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Essential Features of a Good Test

By definition, Test is a procedure performed to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. In troubleshooting terms, Test is the part where we check the functioning of any equipment related to technology. There are four essential features of Test which establishes its working.

1. Reliability: By definition it means depend­ence or trust. It has to yield the same result with consistent attributes during measurement whatever it does measure. When the reading taken by test is reliable only when we have stable score and it is trust worthy. So reliability is the level of consistency when we take the measurement twice between same thing. Reliability is defined as the ratio of the true score and observed score variance. 2. Validity: By Definition, Validity is the evaluation of an instrument to what extent the results serve the particular intended uses. It is the most important feature in evaluation of any program, if the test is not valid then it is of no use. Different test results used in different professions like Psychologists, educators, counselors use test results for a variety of purposes. If a test doesn't have high level of validity then no purpose is fulfilled. It is like truth score of a test. 3. Objectivity By Definition, it refers to the degree which obtain the same results at competent scores. It is an important feature of a good test as it affects both validity and reliability of test scores. It means the extent to which the instrument is free from personal error, that is subjectivity on the part of the scorer. 4. Usability: It is another important feature of measuring instruments. The practical considerations of the evaluation instruments is as important so it cannot be neglected. If the test doesn't have practical value from time, economy, and administration point of view then it is not considered usable. So the test is important to establish that the item is in good working condition. There are various test and measurement tools that determines that. These equipment are available at test equipment depot or at retail shops. You can buy them at wholesale price if you are looking to buy in bulk from electrical equipment suppliers. How digital multimeters are used for troubleshooting read article here..


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